"This too shall pass"
I really love this proverb. It indicates that all material conditions, positive or negative, are temporary. No matter what you are going through in your life, it will pass. I keep repeating this quote in my head, because every time I hear it, it makes my heart feel a little better just knowing this feeling is temporary. I know sometimes we can be really impatient, myself included. When things aren't going my way I wish that I can fast forward time. But things do not happen like that especially if they are out of our control. I'm naturally a really nice and giving person. Some appreciate it but others just simply take advantage. I've come to realize that in life that just how it is. Although we sometimes try to find the best in people, some people are just really inconsiderate and bring negativity to our life. As hard as it is for us to admit it or even see it with our own eyes. How long you have known someone means nothing. Those people will usually stab you in the front and not in the back. For so long I constantly let that one person in my life. The one person that knows exactly what to do or the right words to say. But for once I realized I'm in control. A person can only hurt you as much as you let them. No one should ever have the ability to question your worth & beauty inside and out. I've been out of my element. And for so long, I went against the right things that I know in my mind I should have done. Personally as a Libra, I tend to always think with my heart. This is a blessing and a curse at the same time. I tried time and time again to only get hurt and disappointed. But as a woman, we have a breaking point. And enough is enough. This is when I realized that I could no longer continue doing this to myself. The feeling of temporary happiness will no longer prison me. It's time to just break free and love me again. The one person that's always there for me. Perfect quote for this: I love you but I love me more!
Let me share with you some of the things I learned in church that are helping me get through this:
Resilience is the ability to recover from difficult adverse conditions/situation.
Elements of resilience:
1. Love: You will sacrifice for what you love. When you love something you will bounce back from a difficult state.
( I love ME enough to sacrifice my temporary feelings of happiness)
2. Forgiveness: This will set you free. Let it go!! Do not let your past failures prison you from moving forward.
( For me this applies to forgiving him but also forgiving myself and not beating myself up about letting it get to this point)
3. Hope: This is the desire for a better future. A relentless drive for progress.
( I am hopeful because I know I deserve better and I know there is better)
4. Faith: You have grabbed it and you embraced it before it is physically yours.
( I reached for my happiness and in some way embraced it, even though it is not here yet)
I love that I can vent here..
In life this is a lesson learned. Another experience that just makes me stronger and wiser than yesterday.
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